
Monday, February 06, 2006

The Church I Attend

Followers of Jesus most typically have strong feelings about the church they attend. These strong feelings can run from great satisfaction to strong disappointment depending on...who the pastor is...what he/she preaches...how he/she preaches...if the coffee was too strong...if the A/C was cranked too high or the the heat too low...if there were more choruses than hymns...if the Sunday School teacher was boring...blah, blah, blah.

My point is this. If we keep our focus on this...

then maybe a few followers could just zip it and quit fussin' and be about the work of the Father and showing the world what it truly means to walk a humble obedient life before God! We are utilitarian at our core, but when the Holy Spirit enters in, our core becomes transformed into His likeness and the knit-picking of the church should decrease as we pray about the church and His increase. I know your response will be that it should be OK to express concern, and I agree, but when this concern turns into a bad attitude locomotive...this is not what Paul contended for when he said he wanted to know Christ. So, all you whiney, fussy, can't have it my way believers out there...get off it and get into Him. Your church and His purpose does not need your cancer. This is how I feel about the church I attend.


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