
Friday, November 18, 2005

Home Sick

I'm home today feeling pretty sick, but I think I'm on the mend. Other than not feeling so great, what have I been up to? Glad you asked. Recently I had the privilege of hearing author and pastor Brian McLaren speak. His views and writings are deep and positively enlightning as well as positively disturbing. His thoughts cause me to see that the Christian message is a timeless one, but appropriating this same message will take on a different look, especially among the Millenial generation. Currently I'm reading The Story We Find Ourselves In by McLaren. Very good read. I'm not an emergent/post-modern church authoritarian so I won't pretend to be eloquent with my responses, but I will say that for the most part McLaren's writings are as liberating as I've read in a long time.

Other Thoughts:
The bombings in Jordan and Iraq are still disturbing.
I like gas prices going down!
Donuts are pretty much bad for you!
The fam and I are heading to St. Paul for Thanksgiving. It'll be cold but it'll be good to kick around with family.
My dad turned 59 last week.
No doubt, I'm going to see The Chronicles of Narnia when it releases. I can't wait.
Work is going well. I'm the editor of a publication called Communicator. This piece is a free resource piece to Nazarene pastors in USA/Canada. So, I guess that's a 'big deal' sorta thing. I'm looking forward to the challenge. I've always loved to write, even though I haven't blogged lately.

Final thought: I'm amazed by God's love for me and the reality of living with Him forever. That He never stops loving me, even if I should sin. I'm amazed His Spirit resides in me and that He pretty much gave me one awesome wife and three of the best kids that a guy could want!

Grace to You.


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