
Monday, January 16, 2006

The Latest

My friend Greg preached last night (yes we still have evening worship) at our church on the Holy Trinity. Greg did a great job exegeting the icons of the faith and how they play into our biblical understanding of Christian teaching of the Trinity. Greg had the interseting assignment of exegeting images in a "word" laden and "word" centered crowd. So he did a bang up job presenting a practical, sacramental and historical theological perspective of a very hard subject.

Props to Greg! In other news my daughter just turned nine and my son is turning six. This has caused me to turn over a new "get in shape" leaf. I'm not huge or anything, just terribly out of shape. So, last week I go to the church to play pick up ball with what I think is the 35 and over crowd and I get there only to find that it's a bee hive of college kids! So, I say to myself "I'm just here to lower my cholesterol, BP, and a little of the Michelon tire! Nothing more or less. Well, I play a full game and I'm gone! Not to mention someone yells out that "we're skins!" So, I gaspng for air, drudging down the court with more hair on my body than I care to reveal all the while these college kids are spinning, slicing and dicing there way through my D!

I felt better about it Sunday when I asked some former studs from my youth group days if they still play and ball, and they were like, NO! So, I felt better about atleast trying to play ball. I may go back tonight or I may just stay with playing ping pong with my buds at work over lunch break!

Well, that's my new year post so far. None of my NFL teams went anywhere! Texas wins it all so that stinks and so not too much hype for me in the sports world. Oh yeah big time kuddos to my co-worker Jeff Edmondson for his blog. I'm so glad he calls it straight.


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