
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Holy Week Thought

My Holy Week thought for today actually comes from an O.T. passage in Deuteronomy 30:1-14. There's a lot going on in this passage, but to cut to the chase it's verse 14 that really spoke to me recently. God is saying to His people that His word is near them (He is near them) and it is on their tongues and in their hearts so they should just do it.
I don't have words adequate enough to describe what that means to me in these days, but I do know that if it were not for the cross and empty tomb that the New Testament equivalent of this promise would essentially be no good! There would be no new covenant if not for Easter. The old covenant, as uplifting as it is, would only leave us in a state of continued searching for freedom in a state of law abiding and promises kept and broken. But, with the N.T. promise comes a nearness to God that elevates Dt. 30:14 to a whole new level!
Now the new covenant allows for the Word to be near us in a way unlike that of Dt. 30. Indeed The Word is near, on our tongue and in our hearts! Wow!


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